Welcome to CopyLeftLicense.com! Here you will find an archive of all the copyleft and open source licenses that have been published in the past. From Beerware Licensing, where you need to buy a beer for the open source programmer if you see them in a bar, to the fine-tuned and legally-curated Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License, we have it all. By knowing where we've come from, we might be able to learn where to go!

This archive contains 729 texts, with 682,528 words or 4,889,496 characters.

Licenses : Open Source and CopyLeft Licenses

A collection of open source and copyleft licenses.

Microsoft maintains two licenses that have been certified by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). Certification by the OSI means that developers can be confident that the licenses meet the terms of the Open Source Definition. This page contains the text of those licenses; developers are free to use them as they wish within their works. On this page:Microsoft Public LicenseMicrosoft Reciprocal LicenseMicrosoft Public License (Ms-P

Illinois Open Source License University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License Copyright © ,    .  All rights reserved. Developed by: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: R

A modified version of this file may be distributed, but it should be distributed with a *different* name. Changed files must be distributed *together with a complete and unchanged* distribution of these files.

3DFX GLIDE Source Code General Public License 1. PREAMBLE This license is for software that provides a 3D graphics application program interface (API).The license is intended to offer terms similar to some standard General Public Licenses designed to foster open standards and unrestricted accessibility to source code. Some of these licenses require that, as a condition of the license of the software, any derivative works (that is, new software which is a work containing the original program or a portion of it) must be available for general use, without restriction other than for a minor transfer fee, and that the source code for such derivative works must likewise be made available. The only restriction is that such de...

Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed. If this pa...

People : Open Source Enthusiasts

A collection of open source and copyleft license writers.

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