Welcome to CopyLeftLicense.com! Here you will find an archive of all the copyleft and open source licenses that have been published in the past. From Beerware Licensing, where you need to buy a beer for the open source programmer if you see them in a bar, to the fine-tuned and legally-curated Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License, we have it all. By knowing where we've come from, we might be able to learn where to go!

This archive contains 729 texts, with 682,528 words or 4,889,496 characters.

Licenses : Open Source and CopyLeft Licenses

A collection of open source and copyleft licenses.

Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted. Any copy of this software or of any derivative work must include the above copyright notice of Xerox Corporation, this paragraph and the one after it. Any distribution of this software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and XEROX CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION CONTAINED HEREIN, ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES...

A. HISTORY OF THE SOFTWARE ========================== Python was created in the early 1990s by Guido van Rossum at Stichting Mathematisch Centrum (CWI, see http://www.cwi.nl) in the Netherlands as a successor of a language called ABC. Guido remains Python's principal author, although it includes many contributions from others. In 1995, Guido continued his work on Python at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI, see http://www.cnri.reston.va.us) in Reston, Virginia where he released several versions of the software. In May 2000, Guido and the Python core development team moved to BeOpen.com to form the BeOpen PythonLabs team. In October of the same year, the PythonLabs team moved to Digital Creations (now Zope ...

This is a package of commutative diagram macros built on top of Xy-pic by Michael Barr (email: barr@barrs.org). Its use is unrestricted. It may be freely distributed, unchanged, for non-commercial or commercial use. If changed, it must be renamed. Inclusion in a commercial software package is also permitted, but I would appreciate receiving a free copy for my personal examination and use. There are no guarantees that this package is good for anything. I have tested it with LaTeX 2e, LaTeX 2.09 and Plain TeX. Although I know of no reason it will not work with AMSTeX, I have not tested it.

1. Definitions "Credit/Crediting" (Attribution) means acknowledging the Original Authors and/or Licensors of any Works and/or Derivative Work that You Share; "Derivative Work" means any work created by the editing, adaptation or translation of the Work in any media or any work made up of a number of separate works in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form; "Licence" means this Creative Archive licence for use within the UK;   "Logo" means the Creative Archive Licence logo attached to or incorporated in the Work;   "No-Endorsement" means that You must not use the Work and/or Derivative Work in any way that would suggest or imply the Licensor's support, association or approval; "Non-Com...

MICROSOFT SHARED SOURCE CLI, C#, AND JSCRIPT LICENSE This License governs use of the accompanying Software, and your use of the Software constitutes acceptance of this license. You may use this Software for any non-commercial purpose, subject to the restrictions in this license. Some purposes which can be non-commercial are teaching, academic research, and personal experimentation. You may also distribute this Software with books or other teaching materials, or publish the Software on websites, that are intended to teach the use of the Software. You may not use or distribute this Software or any derivative works in any form for commercial purposes. Examples of commercial purposes would be running business operations, licensing, l...

People : Open Source Enthusiasts

A collection of open source and copyleft license writers.

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