Welcome to CopyLeftLicense.com! Here you will find an archive of all the copyleft and open source licenses that have been published in the past. From Beerware Licensing, where you need to buy a beer for the open source programmer if you see them in a bar, to the fine-tuned and legally-curated Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License, we have it all. By knowing where we've come from, we might be able to learn where to go!

This archive contains 729 texts, with 682,528 words or 4,889,496 characters.

Licenses : Open Source and CopyLeft Licenses

A collection of open source and copyleft licenses.

Copyright and Licensing Information for ACE(TM), TAO(TM), CIAO(TM), DAnCE(TM), and CoSMIC(TM) ACE(TM), TAO(TM), CIAO(TM), DAnCE(TM), and CoSMIC(TM) (henceforth referred to as "DOC software") are copyrighted by Douglas C. Schmidt and his research group at Washington University, University of California, Irvine, and Vanderbilt University, Copyright (c) 1993-2009, all rights reserved. Since DOC software is open-source, freely available software, you are free to use, modify, copy, and distribute--perpetually and irrevocably--the DOC software source code and object code produced from the source, as well as copy and distribute modified versions of this software. You must, however, include this copyright statement along with any code built usi...

CeCILL FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT Notice This Agreement is a Free Software license agreement that is the result of discussions between its authors in order to ensure compliance with the two main principles guiding its drafting: firstly, compliance with the principles governing the distribution of Free Software: access to source code, broad rights granted to users, secondly, the election of a governing law, French law, with which it is conformant, both as regards the law of torts and intellectual property law, and the protection that it offers to both authors and holders of the economic rights over software. The authors of the CeCILL1 license are: Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - CEA,...

Version 2.1 dated 2013-06-21 Notice This Agreement is a Free Software license agreement that is the result of discussions between its authors in order to ensure compliance with the two main principles guiding its drafting: firstly, compliance with the principles governing the distribution of Free Software: access to source code, broad rights granted to users, secondly, the election of a governing law, French law, with which it is conformant, both as regards the law of torts and intellectual property law, and the protection that it offers to both authors and holders of the economic rights over software. The authors of the CeCILL (for Ce[a] C[nrs] I[nria] L[ogiciel] L[ibre]) license are: Commissariat à l'é...

Lucent Public License Version 1.02 (LPL-1.02) The following is a Lucent license template. To generate your own. change the values of OWNER, ORGANIZATION, and YEAR from their original values as given here, and substitute your own. = Lucent Technologies Inc. = LUCENT = 2003 Here is the license template: THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. DEFINITIONS "Contribution" means: in the case of (""), the Original Program, and in the case of each Contributor, changes to the Program, and additions to the Program; where such changes and/or addit...

The Definition An open software service is one: Whose data is open as defined by the Open Knowledge Definition with the exception that where the data is personal in nature the data need only be made available to the user (i.e. the owner of that account). Whose source code is: Free/Open Source Software (that is available under a license in the OSI or FSF approved list — see note 3). Made available to the users of the service.

People : Open Source Enthusiasts

A collection of open source and copyleft license writers.

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