Welcome to CopyLeftLicense.com! Here you will find an archive of all the copyleft and open source licenses that have been published in the past. From Beerware Licensing, where you need to buy a beer for the open source programmer if you see them in a bar, to the fine-tuned and legally-curated Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License, we have it all. By knowing where we've come from, we might be able to learn where to go!

This archive contains 729 texts, with 682,528 words or 4,889,496 characters.

Licenses : Open Source and CopyLeft Licenses

A collection of open source and copyleft licenses.

THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. DEFINITIONS "Contribution" means: a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor: i) changes to the Program, and ii) additions to the Program; where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contribu...

CNRI Digital Object Repository License Agreement 1. This CNRI Digital Object Repository License Agreement ("Agreement") is between Corporation for National Research Initiatives ("CNRI"), having an office at 1895 Preston White Drive, Reston, VA 20191, and the Individual or Organization ("Licensee") that has installed or otherwise used the CNRI Digital Object Repository software, together with its associated documentation ("Software"). Licensee shall be deemed to have entered into, signed and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement upon such installation or other use. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, CNRI hereby grants Licensee a non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduc...

LinuxTag Green OpenMusic License Draft v1.1, 22 April 2001 I. REQUIREMENTS ON BOTH UNMODIFIED AND MODIFIED VERSIONS The OpenMusic works may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, provided that the terms of this license are adhered to, and that this license or an incorporation of it by reference (with any options elected by the author(s) and/or publisher) is displayed in the reproduction. Proper form for an incorporation by reference is as follows: Copyright (c) by

Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Karl Berry. Copyright (C) 1988, 1994, 2007 Stephen Gilmore. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Torsten Martinsen. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.

W3C® SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 1994-2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ This W3C work (including software, documents, or other related items) is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby gr...

People : Open Source Enthusiasts

A collection of open source and copyleft license writers.

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