CopyLeft License : Every Open Source License

Welcome to! Here you will find an archive of all the copyleft and open source licenses that have been published in the past. From Beerware Licensing, where you need to buy a beer for the open source programmer if you see them in a bar, to the fine-tuned and legally-curated Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License, we have it all. By knowing where we've come from, we might be able to learn where to go!

This archive contains 729 texts, with 682,528 words or 4,889,496 characters.

Licenses : Open Source and CopyLeft Licenses

A collection of open source and copyleft licenses.

Common Documentation License Version 1.0 — February 16, 2001 © 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. Permission is granted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this License, but changing or adding to it in any way is not permitted. Please read this License carefully before downloading or using this material. By downloading or using this material, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this License. If you do not or cannot agree to the terms o f this License, please do not download or use this material. 0. Preamble. The Common Documentation License (CDL) provides a very simple and consistent license that allows relatively unrestricted use and redistribution of documents while still maintaining the author's cre...

Allegro 4 (the giftware license) Allegro is gift-ware. It was created by a number of people working in cooperation, and is given to you freely as a gift. You may use, modify, redistribute, and generally hack it about in any way you like, and you do not have to give us anything in return. However, if you like this product you are encouraged to thank us by making a return gift to the Allegro community. This could be by writing an add-on package, providing a useful bug report, making an improvement to the library, or perhaps just releasing the sources of your program so that other people can learn from them. If you redistribute parts of this code or make a game using it, it would be nice if you mentioned Allegro somewhere in the credits, ...

Oculus VR, Inc. Software Development Kit License Agreement Copyright © 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All rights reserved. The text of this may be found at: Human-Readable Summary* You are Free to: Use, modify, and distribute the Oculus VR Rift SDK in source and binary form with your applications/software. With the Following Restrictions: - You can only distribute or re-distribute the source code to LibOVR in whole, not in part. - Modifications to the Oculus VR Rift SDK in source or binary form must be shared with Oculus VR. - If your applications cause health and safety issues, you may lose your right to use the Oculus VR Rift SDK, including LibOVR. - The Oculus VR ...

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies of the Software and its documentation and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation and software packages that this Software was used. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLI...

Download License for Freeware Add-Ons Software AG License Terms, Version 1.3 1. Objective Software AG provides free of charge add-on Software ("Program") on its Community Source Web Site (the "Site"). The Program is created by Software AG and is intended to be used only in addition to the Software AG product line Tamino, which is available under a separate license agreement. By downloading the Program you accept the terms of this present agreement ("License"). Software AG provides the Program in binary form ("Object Code") on the Site. 2. Grant of Rights Software AG hereby grants you a non-exclusive copyright license to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, distribute or sublicense the Program. Distribution an...

People : Open Source Enthusiasts

A collection of open source and copyleft license writers.

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