CopyLeft License : Every Open Source License

Welcome to! Here you will find an archive of all the copyleft and open source licenses that have been published in the past. From Beerware Licensing, where you need to buy a beer for the open source programmer if you see them in a bar, to the fine-tuned and legally-curated Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License, we have it all. By knowing where we've come from, we might be able to learn where to go!

This archive contains 729 texts, with 682,528 words or 4,889,496 characters.

Licenses : Open Source and CopyLeft Licenses

A collection of open source and copyleft licenses.

SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008) Copyright (C) [dates of first publication] Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and either this permission notice or a reference to shall ...

Preamble This License governs Your use of the Work. This License is intended to allow developers to use the Source Code and Executable Files provided as part of the Work in any application in any form. The main points subject to the terms of the License are: Source Code and Executable Files can be used in commercial applications; Source Code and Executable Files can be redistributed; and Source Code can be modified to create derivative works. No claim of suitability, guarantee, or any warranty whatsoever is provided. The software is provided "as-is". The Article(s) accompanying the Work may not be distributed or republished without the Author's consent This License is entered between You, the individual or o...

Noweb is copyright 1989-2000 by Norman Ramsey. All rights reserved. Noweb is protected by copyright. It is not public-domain software or shareware, and it is not protected by a ``copyleft'' agreement like the one used by the Free Software Foundation. Noweb is available free for any use in any field of endeavor. You may redistribute noweb in whole or in part provided you acknowledge its source and include this COPYRIGHT file. You may modify noweb and create derived works, provided you retain this copyright notice, but the result may not be called noweb without my written consent. You may sell noweb if you wish. For example, you may sell a CD-ROM including noweb. You may sell a derived work, provided that all source code for your...

THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. DEFINITIONS "Contribution" means: a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor: i) changes to the Program, and ii) additions to the Program; where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contribu...

Zimbra Public License, Version 1.4 (ZPL) This Zimbra Public License (this “Agreement”) is a legal agreement that describes the terms under which Zimbra, Inc., a Texas corporation (“Zimbra”) will provide software to you via download or otherwise (“Software”). By using the Software, you, an individual or an entity (“You”) agree to the terms of this Agreement. In consideration of the mutual promises and upon the terms and conditions set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Copyright License 1.1 - Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Zimbra hereby grants to You, under any and all of its copyright interest in and to the Software, a royalty-free, n...

People : Open Source Enthusiasts

A collection of open source and copyleft license writers.

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