CopyLeft License
Licenses Libre Commons Res Communes License - Version 1.0
Libre Commons Res Communes License - Version 1.0
Libre Commons Res Communes License
The commons is usually defined as that which is shared communally with others. This can, for example, be a resource, such as land or water, which is owned by the members of the community. The commons has traditionally been limited to a local community right and to a physical resource, such as a forest. But it has also been used to refer to the space of intellectual thought, ideas and concepts (e.g., 'ideas commons', an 'innovation commons', an 'intellectual commons', a 'digital commons', an 'e-commons', 'the public domain', 'Intellectual Space' and so on). The Libre Commons i^e^ Communes Licence commits the work that is inscribed with this Res Communes license to the shared common that all can draw from and reuse.
Licence text
The Res Communes licence is designed to reject a state-centred legal construct of a commons (or commons without commonalty) in order to create a common which is shared between us in collective practices (a rightful commons with commonalty).
The 'Commune' or the 'Commonalty' originally meant 'the people of the whole realm' or 'all the King's subjects' as opposed to the King, the Nobles or the 'Commons' in Parliament. We here refer to the commonalty to refer to the global multitude, the people of the whole world.
1. This work is outside of all legal jurisdiction and takes its force and action from the constituent radical democratic practices of the global multitude against the logic of capital.
2. All work that is so inscribed should bear the text '(L) 2005 Libre Commons Res Communes License'.
3. As a user of this license the work is available to be shared and used as part of a common substrate that is shared between us.
To Use This License
Simply append the following statement to your work:
Libre Commons Res Divini Juris License
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